Monday 20 October 2014

Gimp Tutorial


Free Select Tool

The "Free Select Tool" (lasso) is a very handy tool. Here is how you use it:
  • Click the "Free Select Tool" (lasso ) or select from the menu bar "Tools" → "Selection Tools" → "Free Select".
  • Point and click on the edges of the area that you want to select. Each click will mark a reference-point on the image that the "Free Select Tool" will use.
  • Close the "lasso" by clicking on the first reference-point that was set on the image.

Now you can do various operations on the image


Set Transparent Image Background

To make the background of an image transparent:

  1. Make sure that the layer you work on supports transparency:
    • In the Layers tab mark the layer that you want to work on
    • Go to the Channels tab and check that you have an "Alpha channel" in addition to the standard "Red, Green, Blue" channels. An alpha channels is used for transparency.
    • If you do not have it than select the menu entry "Layer" → "Transparency" → "Add alpha channel
  2. Select the part of the image that will be set as a transparent background. I recommend the "Free Select Tool" (Lasso ) but you can use any one of the selection tools. If your background is not continuous (part of the real image staff is dividing the background) than repeat this steps for other background parts.
    • With the "Color Picker Tool" () select the color that you want to make transparent
    • Select the "Bucket Fill Tool" () and in the "Tool Options" window change the "Bucket Fill Mode" to "Color erase".
    • Click on the selection you made in the first step.